Chiropractic Functional Neurology Success in Treating Cases of ADHD
We specialize in offering neurological, skeletal, and nervous system adjustments following car crashes and other auto accidents. Our concussion neurologist will work with you to develop an effective treatment plan…
Brain Health and the Effects of Inflammation
We all know that the brain is a complex physiological mechanism that serves as the main, electrical circuit box for the central nervous system, which controls every function of the body.
Chiropractic Neurology Techniques Improve Balance Issues and Vertigo
Causes of balance problems include: infections of your ear. inner ear problems. head injury. poor blood circulation. certain medications. chemical imbalance in your brain.
Dispelling 5 Myths about Functional Neurology & Chiropractic
There are many misconceptions about Functional Neurologists and Chiropractors. The primary myth is that Functional Neurologist/Chiropractors only work on backs.