Chiropractic Neurology Techniques Improve Balance Issues and Vertigo
Causes of balance problems include: infections of your ear. inner ear problems. head injury. poor blood circulation. certain medications. chemical imbalance in your brain.
Causes of balance problems include: infections of your ear. inner ear problems. head injury. poor blood circulation. certain medications. chemical imbalance in your brain.
There are many misconceptions about Functional Neurologists and Chiropractors. The primary myth is that Functional Neurologist/Chiropractors only work on backs.
When: Sometime in mind- December 2024
Where: 1225 Cimarron Dr. 2nd Floor Lafayette CO 80026
It’s about ½ mile west of my current location on the north side of S. Boulder Rd.
Unfortunately, there is no handicapped access or elevator in this older building.
Hours are changing: I will be working 9-12:45 pm and 2:15-5 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Possibly on Monday Mornings.