There are many misconceptions about Functional Neurologists and Chiropractors. The primary myth is that Functional Neurologist/Chiropractors only work on backs. These specialists spend many years learning the intricacies of the human body, and they are afforded many options for post-graduate training.

That being said, Dr. Paul has two, 3-year post-graduate degrees. The first is a Chiropractic Sports Physician degree, which means he works with all joints, including extremities. The second post-grad degree he earned is that of Chiropractic Functional Neurologist, meaning Dr. Paul works with the brain, spine, and the mind-body connection.

The spine serves as a connector between the mental and the physical. The brain sends vital information to support bodily functions through the spinal cord. From there, this information is transmitted to corresponding cells, tissues, and organs thanks to nerve endings that extend from the spinal cord out to all parts of the body. When there is interference in the transmission of this information from the brain or the spine, it impacts the body by causing a state of dis-ease, increasing tension and reducing flexibility.

A Functional Neurologist/Chiropractor can help with a variety of issues, no matter what age or lifestyle you live.

Tip 1: Post Traumatic Brain Injury

The brain is a complex computer that serves as the “headquarters” for your body. It manages voluntary and involuntary bodily functions, many without you even noticing. When this vital organ is compromised due to Post-Traumatic Brain Injury [PTBI], it negatively impacts the way a person lives and interacts.

An estimated 1.5 million people suffer a PTBI each year, many of which go unreported to a healthcare professional. PTBI’s can occur due to motor vehicle crashes, sporting- or work-related accidents, and even military operations.

As PTBI often results in postural changes due to direct head contact, conversely, postural changes may be indicative of PTBI. Patients with PTBI were observed walking at a slower pace and demonstrated motor dysfunction and postural instability within the first 48 hours after trauma. In spite of a standard two-week recovery period, postural deviations and reduced motor function persisted well after PTBI patients were deemed “recovered.”

Chiropractors and Functional Neurologists regularly train to diagnose concussions, which is why they prove to be great assets to sports teams in Colorado and across the world.

Tip 2: Vertigo and Balance issues

Vertigo is defined as a “spinning dizziness” that affects balance. A person with vertigo or chronic balance issues may feel like the earth is literally rotating around them. This kind of dizzy is scary for sufferers who have problems standing from a seated position, reading words on a screen or trying to move from one place to another.

Vertigo is generally attributed to inner ear conditions, but it may also stem from neurological interference in the brain or at the brain stem; post-traumatic brain injury/concussion; or any number of weaknesses in the body’s systems, such as hypoglycemia, cardiovascular issues, loss of feelings in limbs (neuropathy), stroke, pharmaceuticals and more.

Dr. Paul uses neurological techniques and exercises to remove interference in the brain and nervous system; and open proprioceptive channels to help balance the eyes, inner ear, and neuro-pathways. In fact, Dr. Paul is one of only a few doctors in Boulder utilizing the evidence-based IM therapy, which has been proven successful in treating vertigo and chronic imbalance issues.

Medication may be prescribed for symptoms of vertigo and chronic balance issues, but it serves only as a bandage for the symptoms. Until the underlying cause of vertigo and imbalance issues are exposed and treated, the symptoms will continue and progress.

Tip 3: Children with ADHD

In 2016, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] estimated that approximately 6.1 million children ages 2-17 had ever been diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder [ADHD].

Medication is usually one of the first tools healthcare providers use to treat ADHD, but medication only addresses the symptoms of the problem, not the root cause. Furthermore, all drugs have side effects, many of which mimic the symptoms the drug is prescribed to treat.

A Functional Neurologist can create a treatment plan that is personalized for each child. There are no one-size-fits-all solutions for ADHD because each child and their personal circumstances are as individual as they are.

Tip 4: Jumpiness/Startle Reflexes

Anxiety is a response to something stemming from a perceived fear, real or not. Feelings of fear or impending doom can make people jumpy and over-sensitize our startle reflexes. Two areas of the brain responsible for identifying and processing sensory information, subsequently producing an anxious response are the amygdala and the hippocampus.

New studies indicate that prolonged periods of chronic stress and anxiety damages the structure of the hippocampus, which can result in a variety of health issues, including a compromised immune system, heart disease, weight gain, depression, and dementia.

Dr. Paul uses technologically-advanced tools and resources to assess the neuro-pathways of the brain to determine which forms of treatment will properly engage exact areas of the brain to essentially re-educate segments that are over-stimulated or under-stimulated. Treatments and techniques like Interactive Metronome [IM], therapy, Eyelights, Chiropractic adjustments, and audio-visual stimuli, are options Dr. Paul may choose following his assessment.

When anxiety and stress levels are high enough to cause jumpiness or amplify your startle reflex, consider chiropractic and functional neurology for non-invasive, prescription-free exercises and therapies to help protect the hippocampus and naturally reduce levels of anxiety and chronic stress.

Tip 5: Early Onset Dementia

Early-onset dementia is a diagnosis classified by the Alzheimer’s Association as occurring in individuals prior to the age of 65.

Studies shared by the American Neurological Association showed patients who developed dementia before age 65, presented with cognitive deficits and impaired function attributed primarily to head trauma, alcohol abuse and HIV.

Chiropractic Neurology works in union with additional treatment options to clear neurological pathways from the brain to successfully restore diminished functions in those suffering from early onset dementia. Specialized CNS testing and a variety of techniques provide an extensive exploration for Dr. Paul to accurately assess a patient’s motor skills, memory, attention, and executive functions. From this data, a personalized treatment plan is developed to specifically address areas of concern.

With Boulder’s active lifestyle, any of these factors may affect your overall quality of life, so trying new ways to treat what ails you may be just what the doctor ordered!

Contact Dr. Paul, certified Chiropractic Neurologist, today for a full neurological and cognitive assessment, including diagnostic imaging if deemed necessary. Dr. Paul’s expertise treating patients with neurological imbalances, coupled with the latest technological and therapeutic advancements, ensures you’re working with a consummate professional who always has your total body wellness in mind.

Please call 303.665.5405 or email Dr. Paul at [email protected].

Dr. Paul, a Functional Neurologist at Austin Functional Wellness in Lafayette, CO, uses advanced technology and years of experience to help patients naturally overcome neurological imbalances.

Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Alzheimer’s Association

Neurology Today

Neurocore Brain Performance Centers

Medical News Today


Where: 1255 Cimarron Dr Suite 201A, Lafayette, CO 80026

It’s about ½ mile west of my current location on the north side of S. Boulder Rd.

Unfortunately, there is no handicapped access or elevator in this older building.

Hours are changing: 
Mon 9 AM – 1 PM
Tue, Weds, and Thurs 9 AM – 1 PM and 3 PM–5 PM
Fri, Sat, Sun – Closed