Worried that your brain function may be declining?

If you fear that you’ve lost brain function due to an accident or injury, or that your cognitive abilities are declining due to the natural aging process or a disease, neurocognitive testing could help.

With a neurocognitive test administered by an experienced functional neurologist, you can determine what’s going on and, perhaps more importantly, learn exactly what to do about it.

We can now offer these tests in-office or remotely.

Consider these reasons to get tested.

Any of these conditions, signs, and symptoms present valid reason to get tested for neurocognitive function, now and over time:

Even if you only have a family history of any of these, you’ll want to get tested once and then again in three months to keep an eye on your performance and see any decline in ability. You definitely want an early diagnosis so that you’ll be able to adopt a plan to stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible.

Neurocognitive testing Austin Functional Wellness brings greater clarity.

Our patients enjoy having an objective measure of neurocognitive performance to evaluate next steps.

As one patient, Natalie C., has said, “Dr. Austin has several ways of objectively testing brain function and I was relieved to get confirmation of what I already knew to be true – my brain function was impaired! The first month was challenging… It has now been 2 months and I have progressed so much in such a short time! Dr. Austin’s number 1 priority is helping the patient feel better. He wants to know how you are feeling along the way and is careful to challenge you without overdoing it. He will truly listen and believe you when you tell him how you’re feeling and will modify exercises accordingly.”

How do you know if your perceived loss of brain function is a reality?

Austin Functional Wellness uses neurocognitive testing from CNS Vital Signs as a way to objectively evaluate the condition of your brain function, now and over time with repeat testing. These tests are highly vetted through scientific protocols.

Categories measured include:

A CNS Vital Signs report can reveal key aspects of brain health.

CNS Vital Signs is a global leader of neurocognitive and behavioral assessment tools and technologies. Neurocognitive testing ranks performance in each area by “above average, average, low average, low, and very low,” and it also reveals specific numeric scores for each area assessed.

This tool evaluates validity, severity, patterns and tracks longitudinal data on disease progression, outcomes, and treatments. It provides a detailed test and easy-to-read dashboard. It is particularly sensitive in detecting cognitive impairment.

A CNS Vital Signs report reveals many aspects of brain health that are often highly treatable. Austin Functional Wellness offers specific tools and therapies that you can do with the support of our office, and also on your own.

Telehealth and remote testing options are now available.

Taking these tests remotely is a relatively low-stress way to assess brain health and cognitive function. Dr. Austin can administer the test remotely and then hold a zoom call or office meeting to debrief you.

Remote computerized neuropsychological testing may be ideal for you during pandemic protocols. It’s especially valuable for keeping an eye on diseases or medical conditions like Concussion, Multiple Sclerosis, Cancer Cognition, and many other clinical conditions.

It’s also useful for creating a baseline of what “healthy” looks like if you have a family history or warning signs that concern you now.

Ready to forge a path to recovery?

Rather than wait and wonder about your neurocognitive abilities, you can get an assessment and take therapeutic action early.

As another of our patients, Sarah Z., has said, “Dr. Austin’s practice has given me the hope of recovery after a difficult brain injury…  He has brought a quantitative approach to measuring my brain function, for the first time describing my vision loss symptoms, balance issues, and other challenges in a way that makes me feel I’m being understood and, more importantly, gives me a path to recovery.”

Steps you can take right now.

If you’d like to get started, here are the steps to take:

If you chose to take the test remotely, the test will be sent to you. You must take the test in one session and finish within 7 days.

As amazing as this tool can be, Neurocognitive Testing from CNS Vital Signs is just one of a variety of assessments that Dr. Austin at Austin Functional Wellness uses to evaluate your brain health and any conditions you may have.

Please contact our office to learn more.


Where: 1255 Cimarron Dr Suite 201A, Lafayette, CO 80026

It’s about ½ mile west of my current location on the north side of S. Boulder Rd.


Unfortunately, there is no handicapped access or elevator in this older building.

Hours are changing: 
Mon 9 AM – 1 PM
Tue, Weds, and Thurs 9 AM – 1 PM and 3 PM–5 PM
Fri, Sat, Sun – Closed